Bewick's Swan colour-marking projects

YELLOW NECKCOLLARS (all codes): Trinus Haitjema, It Heechhout 7, 8723ES Koudum, The Netherlands (e-mail: Click here for more info on this project.

BLUE NECKCOLLARS (101P-899P, 101U-199U and 901U-999U): Jan H. Beekman, Zool. Lab. RUG, Postbus 14, 9750AA Haren, The Netherlands (e-mail:

BLUE NECKCOLLARS (S01-S19, H01, 001P-008P and 081P-100P): Jenny Earle, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Swan Office, Slimbridge, Gloucester GL2 7BT , England (e-mail:

LEGRINGS (white or yellow on one leg): Jenny Earle, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Swan Office, Slimbridge, Gloucester GL2 7BT, England (e-mail: